From January 20 to 24, experts from the USAID Low Emissions Asian Development program met with officials from Thailand’s Greenhouse Gas Management Organization under the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment to discuss development of a greenhouse gas (GHG) reporting program for businesses and organizations in Thailand.
The U.S. and Thai programs agreed to collaborate on establishing a voluntary corporate GHG reporting program, which includes measurement, reporting and verification guidelines, and a GHG registry—a platform for reporting and collecting emissions data. A corporate GHG reporting program helps organizations understand how they can manage and reduce their emissions, as well as identify carbon-related risks and opportunities. It also provides governments with critical information to inform policy and regulatory decisions.
Development of a corporate GHG reporting program was identified as a key activity in the partnership agreement established in 2013 with Thailand under the U.S. Government’s Enhancing Capacity for Low Emission Development Strategies initiative.
Source: USAID/RDMA Regional Environment Office Weekly Update