The USAID Lowering Emissions in Asian Forests Program has furthered its engagement with ASEAN on forestry and climate change by addressing the ASEAN Senior Officials on Forestry’s 15th Seminar on Current International Issues affecting Forestry and Forest Products on May 11, 2014, in Siem Reap, Cambodia.

At the seminar, USAID Lowering Emissions in Asian Forests was recognized for contributions to forestry and climate change in ASEAN in the opening remarks of Secretary of State, HE Dr. Ty Sokhun.  Following the opening speeches, Chief of Party Dr. David Ganz briefed ASEAN officials on REDD+ financing mechanisms, Sustainable Forest Management and livelihoods. Emissions trading systems were introduced to participants as a way to incentivize private sector efforts to reduce emissions and encourage movement towards low emission development pathways, which contribute to national commitments and capitalize on existing carbon markets and anticipated national and international climate change finance.  

A further presentation from USAID Lowering Emissions in Asian Forests on collaboration with the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development in Lam Dong Province, Vietnam and UNREDD Phase II focused on development of the Provincial REDD+ Action Plan.  “Better formulation and enforcement of low emissions land use planning is the key to addressing drivers of deforestation and forest degradation in an efficient and effective fashion,” said presenter Pham Thanh Nam, the program field coordinator in Lam Dong.  The Provincial Plan forms a cornerstone of REDD+ by channeling incentives from the international level towards actions that address drivers of deforestation and support livelihoods at the subnational and local level.

Source: USAID/RDMA Regional Environment Office Weekly Update

