University professors, trainers and USAID’s Lowering Emissions in Asian Forests partners met in Bangkok from May 26 to May 30 to further advance the project’s Regional Climate Change Curriculum Development program.
This next step in the program allowed refinement and training for two of the program’s four modules – Social and Environmental Soundness and Carbon Measurement and Monitoring. More than 30 invited professors, trainers, and university partners helped develop and refine module materials.
The project team is currently working with 12 universities from six regional countries to introduce the curriculum, in a partnership with the U.S. Forest Service, which has provided technical expertise through a team of forestry education specialists from universities in the United States.
The first two modules, Basic Climate Change and Low Emission Land Use and Planning, were refined in a similar peer-to-peer learning event in January 2014. In August, USAID’s Lowering Emissions in Asian Forests and the U.S. Forest Service will host the last training in the process, which will feature all four modules and bring together all stakeholders and several new universities from around the region.
Professors and trainers from the several participating universities and organizations are already starting to use the developed course materials, and feedback from their experience was incorporated into this week’s refinements.
USAID’s Lowering Emissions in Asian Forests curriculum development work is part of the joint efforts among regional universities under the U.S. Government’s Lower Mekong Initiative to build capacity of a future cadre of climate change professionals.
Source: USAID/RDMA Regional Environment Office Weekly Update