The USAID Low Emissions Asian Development program provided training for 55 professionals from seven Asian countries from June 2 to 4 in Manila, Philippines, on methods to more accurately estimate current and future greenhouse gas emissions from key sectors.

The success of national and international efforts to address climate change depend on an accurate estimation of greenhouse gas emissions, and a critical part is the use of emission factors to calculate emissions from different activities such as fuel used by vehicles or coal burned for electricity.  Because many countries in Asia use default global emission factors, the training focused on methodologies to develop and apply more accurate country-specific emission factors for stationary and mobile combustion sources.

The attendees − from government agencies, research institutes, and universities in Cambodia, Indonesia, Nepal, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam − also shared experiences from their respective countries and starting planning for next steps, such as development of improved emission factors for coal combustion in thermal power plants.

The workshop was followed by a more in-depth training from June 5 to 6 on improving several key emission factors used in the Philippines.  Approximately 27 Philippine participants joined the two-day national workshop organized in cooperation with the Philippines Climate Change Commission and Department of Energy.

Source: USAID/RDMA Regional Environment Office Weekly Update


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