From March 24 to April 4, USAID’s Lowering Emissions in Asia’s Forests program organized a Technical Training on Forest Carbon Assessment and Logging Emission Factor Development in Malaysia, which included participants from Malaysia, Vietnam, and Laos, and training experts from Winrock International.  

The first week of training consisted of a Forest Carbon Assessment based at the Forest Research Institute of Malaysia in Kuala Lumpur, while the second week focused on estimating logging emission factors in Pahang State.  This innovative, participatory training helped strengthen the capacity of USAID partners from around the region to estimate green house gas emissions and removals from land use sector using the latest technology for mobile data collection and field measurement techniques.  

The training also helped design a long-term, robust and scientifically sound forest carbon measurement and monitoring system for activities related to reducing emissions from deforestation and degradation in Peninsular Malaysia.  This work is part of USAID's efforts to strengthen technical capacity to measure actual carbon emissions against a business as usual baselines.

Source: USAID/RDMA Regional Environment Office Weekly Update


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