In recent weeks, the USAID Low Emissions Asian Development program conducted two regional workshops to help government agencies track energy consumption, production and resource extraction in all economic sectors.  Using an innovative tool, the Long-range Energy Alternatives Planning (LEAP) System, the government agencies learned to conduct energy policy analyses and greenhouse gas mitigation assessments.

The first workshop, held in Medan, Indonesia in collaboration with the USAID Indonesia Clean Energy Development program, brought together 39 participants from Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Laos, Nepal, Thailand, and Vietnam, to share experiences using the LEAP tool and lessons on mitigation assessment methodologies and models at sub-national levels.  The second workshop, held at the Asian Greenhouse Gas Management Center at the Asia Institute of Technology in Thailand, focused on establishing a regional community of practice among advanced users of the LEAP tool.

Participants included policymakers and experts from India, Indonesia, Nepal, Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam working in the fields of energy policy analysis and greenhouse gas mitigation who shared best practices on LEAP applications and developed an action plan for further collaboration, capacity building, and knowledge sharing on use of the LEAP tool in Asia.

Source: USAID/RDMA Regional Environment Office Weekly Update

