Lower Mekong Initiative

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Assessing Threats to LMI Livelihoods, Communities, and Ecosystems

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Vietnamese Conservation Coalition Formed to Reduce Wildlife Consumption

Vietnam is a major consumer of endangered species and a key target country for combating wildlife trafficking. The Vietnamese government, with support from the USAID-funded Asia’s Regional Response to Endangered Species Trafficking (ARREST) Program, recently convened government and NGO stakeholders to form a coalition to address illegal wildlife trade in Vietnam.  Vietnam’s Biodiversity Conservation Agency…

Rebalance to Asia III: Protecting the Environment and Ensuring Food and Water Security in East Asia and the Pacific

Testimony of Gregory Beck, Deputy Assistant Administrator for Asia, U.S. Agency for International Development before Foreign Relations Committee East Asian and Pacific Affairs Subcommittee“Rebalance to Asia III: Protecting the Environment and Ensuring Food and Water Security in East Asia and the Pacific”Chairman Cardin, Senator Rubio, and distinguished Members of the Committee, thank you for the…

Control and Prevention of Malaria’s Cross-Border Activities in Myanmar

Control and Prevention of Malaria (CAP-Malaria) team performed malaria screening among migrant children at the 38 Miles School inside Yuzana palm-oil plantation project site.  Malaria messages were provided to the students through face to face education. Related Website: CAP-MALARIASource:  Health Matters Newsletter RDMA/Office of Public Health

PACOM: Cua Tung Primary School Construction Project

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Cambodian Cartoons Help to Fight Wildlife Crime

Wildlife Alliance, an NGO fighting wildlife crime in Cambodia, released two captivating animated Public Service Announcements (PSAs) to be aired throughout Cambodia.  The PSAs address the issue of the illegal wildlife consumption and encourage the public to not only stop consuming wildlife but also report wildlife crimes to the Wildlife Rapid Rescue Team (WRRT) hotline.…

World Bank Report Cites USAID’s Climate Study

A new World Bank report, “Turn Down the Heat: Climate Extremes, Regional Impacts and the Case for Resilience” cited a study produced by USAID’s Mekong Adaptation and Reliance Program (Mekong-ARCC).  It is hoped that the inclusion of the study in the World Bank’s report will raise the study’s profile as a valuable resource that can…

CAP-3D: Preventing HIV among Transgendered Women in Laos

Vongphachanh "Khom" Temmelath lives in Vientiane, Laos. When she was in college, like other girls, Khom grew her hair long, wore fashionable clothes, and was an active member in campus social events. But Khom was no ordinary girl. She was born a man.Because of her identity, school authorities challenged Khom repeatedly. Eventually, the constant pressure…

USAID and TICA Visit Myanmar to Launch Trilateral Malaria Control Activities

USAID/RDMA, the Thailand International Development Cooperation Agency (TICA), and the Thai Ministry of Public Health visited Myanmar in July to initiate the first trilateral collaboration activity on malaria control efforts. Thailand and the U.S. are bringing their expertise and resources to collaborate with the Myanmar Ministry of Public Health to tackle the challenge of drug…

USAID-Supported Regional Laboratory Network Workshop on Applied Veterinary Bioinformatics

The IDENTIFY project hosted a regional laboratory network workshop on applied field veterinary bioinformatics in Bangkok on June 26-July 1, 2013. Led by The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, fifteen veterinary laboratory staffs from the national animal health laboratories in the regional laboratory network were trained on basic and applied bioinformatics.  The increased capacity in bioinformatics at…

The Health Policy Project, Technical Exchange on Gender & Health Moves into its Second Phase

 At the Lower Mekong Initiative (LMI) Second Regional Working Group Meeting held in Vientiane in November 2011, representatives from the Lao People’s Democratic Republic (Lao PDR) requested technical assistance from development partners to strengthen the newly established Division for the Promotion of Women’s Advancement within the Ministry of Health, and support for the Ministry’s gender…