Story from the Field – Empowering Small-scale Fishers and Farmers to Promote Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture
Surrounded by the Andaman Seas, Indian Ocean, and Pacific Ocean, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) region’s ecological health and sustainable use of water resources will be extremely important for continued economic development. Threats to the sustainability of the shared waters and its resources will have consequences for the livelihoods and food security of…
ASEAN Regulators Trained on Medical Devices
The medical device industry, which includes everything from pacemakers and MRI machines to dental equipment and hypodermic syringes, is a growing global business sector. U.S. exports of medical technologies in 2012 were valued at approximately $44.2 billion, a 7.2 percent increase from just the previous year.Training on medical devices regulations in ASEAN will help ASEAN…
Press Release: Embassy Hanoi Hosts First-ever Model East Asia Summit
The U.S. Embassy in Hanoi hosted the first-ever Model East Asia Summit (Model EAS) for 33 high school and university students at the Embassy’s American Center on August 16, 2013. Based on the popular American extracurricular activity Model United Nations, the Model EAS program allows students to exchange ideas on policy issues that are relevant…
Lower Mekong Initiative
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Lower Mekong Initiative: Energy Security Pillar
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Lower Mekong Initiative: Friends of the Lower Mekong
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PACOM Viengthong Secondary School Construction Project
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PACOM Military Outpatient Hospital Renovation
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PACOM Kandol Chrum Primary School Construction Project
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Rebalance to Asia III: Protecting the Environment and Ensuring Food and Water Security in East Asia and the Pacific
Testimony of Gregory Beck, Deputy Assistant Administrator for Asia, U.S. Agency for International Development before Foreign Relations Committee East Asian and Pacific Affairs Subcommittee“Rebalance to Asia III: Protecting the Environment and Ensuring Food and Water Security in East Asia and the Pacific”Chairman Cardin, Senator Rubio, and distinguished Members of the Committee, thank you for the…