The MUSP Quality Infrastructure Training Series helps improve the capacity of MUSP governments to attract private investment for infrastructure solutions. MUSP facilitates the sharing of best practices information on project identification, preparation, and management, to help countries manage current and future energy infrastructure projects.  

Participant countries develop infrastructure master plans, effectively identify and prepare economically-viable projects, and select a best-value partner who will be able to attract creative solutions backed by private investors that maximize the benefits of the asset over the life of the project. To help the Mekong countries achieve this goal, the U.S. government is committed to bringing experts together to share best practices on project identification, preparation, and management with MUSP officials through training sessions to assist in improving their project preparation and execution skills to more effectively identify, structure, award, and oversee the management of current and future energy infrastructure projects.  

The Quality Infrastructure Training Program deepens the ability of MUSP governments to prepare projects that attract private investment for sustainable and best-value infrastructure solutions. This is accomplished by highlighting key steps to creating a pipeline of bankable, best-value, privately funded projects that help MUSP countries meet their infrastructure development needs.