On October 11, 2013, the Ministry of Justice launched the webpage representing the Lao PDR Electronic Official Gazette (laoofficialgazette.gov.la) at a high-level workshop in Vientiane, Laos.  The workshop was chaired by the Minister of Justice, with the Vice-Minister of Justice presenting the new procedures for operating the e-Gazette, and with around 50 participants including a number of Vice-Ministers and Director Generals representing issuing authorities throughout the State.

This is a milestone in the development of rule of law and governance in Lao PDR, and it meets a key commitment in many trade agreements.  For the first time, all legislation of general application will have to be posted on the e-Gazette for 15 days before coming into force, and it will provide a place for posting draft legislation for public comment (in the context of the newly mandated 60-day public comment period).  This is a key first step for implementing the new landmark Law on Making Legislation.  USAID/RDMA/LUNA has provided comprehensive and ongoing support for developing and implementing this law and the e-Gazette.

Source: General Development Office-USAID/RDMA Monthly Highlights 

