Opening Address to the Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment Policy Dialogue for the Lower Mekong Initiative

It gives me great pleasure to add my welcome on behalf of the United States to all of you gathered here in Siam Reap for this first ever gender equality and women’s empowerment policy dialogue as part of the Lower Mekong Initiative (LMI). I have always wanted to come to this beautiful country. I know…

Remarks by Assistant Secretary of the Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs Kurt M. Campbell in Cambodia

First of all, let me just say that on behalf of the United States government, we are so thrilled to be here in Cambodia for the Senior Officials Meeting. I’ve had a chance yesterday to meet with the Prime Minister and now I have had a very good discussion with the Foreign Minister. I think…

Joint Press Release: The Lao PDR and the United States on Behalf of the Lower Mekong Initiative (LMI) Partner Countries

Lower Mekong Initiative Second Regional Working Group Meeting in Vientiane Advances Regional Goals for Cambodia, Lao PDR, Thailand, Vietnam, and the United StatesThe Lao PDR hosted delegations from Cambodia, Thailand, Vietnam, and the United States for the November 7-8 regional working group meeting of the Lower Mekong Initiative (LMI). The senior- level delegations comprised diplomats…

Public Lecture on “U.S. Engagement in Asia”

Transcript: Kurt Campbell, U.S Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand October 10, 2011Dr. Thitinan:  His Excellency, Dr. Kurt Campbell, the Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs, Ambassador Kristie Kenney, Excellencies, distinguished members of the media, distinguished academics, members of the public, students, good…

Statement of the Fourth Lower Mekong Initiative Ministerial Meeting

On July 22, 2011, the Foreign Ministers and senior representatives of the Lower Mekong Basin countries -- Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, and Viet Nam -- and the U.S. Secretary of State met in Bali, Indonesia for the 4th Lower Mekong Initiative (LMI) Ministerial Meeting. The five participants emphasized the value of the LMI in addressing regional challenges,…

Remarks at the U.S.- Lower Mekong Ministerial Meeting

This fourth Ministerial Meeting of the Lower Mekong Initiative and I am very pleased to join my colleagues from Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, and Vietnam. We began this initiative two years ago to give rise to more frequent and effective cooperation among the Lower Mekong countries and the United States. We saw many opportunities for effective partnership on…

Fact Sheet: Lower Mekong Initiative Progress 2010/2011

The Lower Mekong Initiative is a multinational effort initiated by U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton in 2009 to foster integrated sub-regional cooperation and capacity building among Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, and Vietnam, in the areas of education, health, environment, and infrastructure.In 2011 the Lower Mekong Initiative partner countries agreed to a Concept Paper that…

U.S. Response to the Mekong River Commission’s Review of the Xayaburi Hydroelectric Dam

On April 19th, the Joint Committee of the Mekong River Commission (MRC) met to discuss the Xayaburi hydroelectric project – the first dam proposed on the main stem of the Lower Mekong River. We understand that members of the MRC did not reach consensus on whether the project should proceed and agreed that a decision…

U.S. Embassy Supports First Clean Cookstove Workshop in Laos

Thirty-four experts, academics, and entrepreneurs from Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, and Thailand gathered to discuss how to create a cleaner, more efficient stove during the Stove Design & Testing Workshop in Vientiane, Laos on March 14-16. Participants shared methods to design, evaluate, and commercialize improved-stoves that use less fuel and produce less smoke.Exposure to smoke from traditional…

Remarks With Cambodian Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Hor Namhong

DEPUTY PRIME MINISTER HOR: (In Cambodian.)SECRETARY CLINTON: Thank you very much Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister. I greatly appreciate this opportunity to spend this time with you discussing these matters of great importance to both of our countries. This is my sixth trip to Asia as Secretary of State but my first to Cambodia, and it…

Fact Sheet: Secretary Clinton’s October 29-30, 2010 Visit to Vietnam

Secretary Clinton returns to Hanoi on October 29 for her second visit to Vietnam in just over three months. In Vietnam, she will attend the East Asia Summit and host a meeting with her counterparts in the Lower Mekong Initiative, reflecting the Obama administration’s commitment to deepening multilateral engagement in the Asia-Pacific region. Secretary Clinton…

U.S. Repairing Ties with Lower Mekong Countries

A newly devised initiative is working towards deepening cooperation between the U.S. and Mekong basin countries in the areas of education, health and environment, a report has said.The report was distributed as part of a lecture this week on the Lower Mekong Initiative and its significance as part of the Obama administration's policy towards reengagement…