LMI Monthly News Feed – January 2014

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Refining Climate Adaptation and Resilience Approaches for Local Communities in the Lower Mekong

The USAID Mekong Adaptation and Resilience to Climate Change project organized a two-day meeting in Bangkok, Thailand to focus on its technical approach to supporting community climate change adaptation in the Lower Mekong Basin.  Participants, including International Union for Conservation of Nature, World Wildlife Fund, and Asian Management and Development Institute, represented project sites in…

Local Governance Tool Builds Climate Resilience in Thailand and Vietnam

Under the USAID Mekong–Building Climate Resilience in Asian Cities program, the Institute for Social and Environmental Transition, the Vietnam National Institute for Science and Technology Policy and Strategy Studies, and the Thailand Environment Institute released a new report, Assessing City Resilience: Lessons from Using the UN International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR) Local Government Self-Assessment…

USAID and Thailand to Cooperate on Corporate Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program

From January 20 to 24, experts from the USAID Low Emissions Asian Development program met with officials from Thailand’s Greenhouse Gas Management Organization under the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment to discuss development of a greenhouse gas (GHG) reporting program for businesses and organizations in Thailand.The U.S. and Thai programs agreed to collaborate on…

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Lower Mekong Initiative Pacific Resilience Disaster Response Exercise & Exchange Initial Planning Conference Storyboard (27-30 Jan 2014)

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Fin Free Thailand Campaign Hits the Beach to Reduce Consumption of Shark Fin

On January 18, Fin Free Thailand hosted a Shark Conservation Awareness event on Koh Chang, Thailand’s 2nd largest island.  Nearly one year since the USAID-funded Asia’s Regional Response to Endangered Species Trafficking project supported the launch of Fin Free Thailand, the consumption reduction campaign continues to gain strength with nearly 100 prominent hotels and restaurants…

Strengthening Capacity for Future Climate Change Leaders in the Region

From January 20 to 24, the USAID-funded Lowering Emissions in Asia’s Forests project convened 32 professors from 10 Southeast Asian universities and two U.S. universities in Bangkok to build capacity for climate change curriculum development.Developed collaboratively by the project, the U.S. Forest Service, and its university partners, the training modules on basic climate change and…

Engaging Thai Youth in Protecting Threatened Ecosystems

From January 15 to 17, the USAID-funded Lowering Emissions in Asia’s Forests project, in collaboration with the Thai Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation, organized a youth training camp on water quality and river ecosystem monitoring.  More than 30 children from five schools in the Mae Sa Catchment area, part of the Mae…

Local Government and Stakeholders in Vietnam Work Together for Climate Resilience

Under USAID's Mekong–Building Climate Resilience in Asian Cities project, city partners in Hue, Vietnam began a shared planning process with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) to develop decision support tools to improve flood management.Vulnerability assessments previously conducted by local government partners as part of the project identified the linkages between flooding and urban…

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Endangered Species Application Presented to Mobile Solutions Workshop

On January 6, members of the USAID-funded Asia’s Regional Response to Endangered Species Trafficking Program (ARREST) team presented Wildscan to the Mobile Solutions for Development Workshop at the Regional Development Mission Asia’s Regional Training Center in Bangkok, Thailand.Wildscan is an endangered species identification and response smartphone application currently under development with Vimi.co., Ltd., and is expected to be released…