MUSP-Master in Public Policy (MPP) at Fulbright University Vietnam (FUV) (2021-2026)

The MUSP-MPP program was developed in response to the mutual need for finding a new way to build trust and engagement with Mekong countries. Through this five-year joint program, up to 14 early to mid-career Laos civil servants, aged 25-35, will be selected in total to attend Fulbright School of Public Policy andManagement at FUV…

Enhancing Equality in Energy for Southeast Asia (E4SEA – under Clean EDGE Asia) (2020-2026)

Improves gender equality in the energy sector, which supports both a sustainable and secure energy sector and overall women’s empowerment. To achieve this goal, the activity supported by USAID works to: 1) increase diversity of the energy sector workforce, 2) support inclusive workplace environments, and 3) increase promotion and leadership opportunities for women in the…

Inspiring Women Entrepreneurs (WE Inspire) (2021-2025)

The WE Inspire Program, implemented by Kenan Foundation Asia, aims to empower women across Thailand, Cambodia, and Viet Nam who have been affected by changes to the Mekong River’s water flow, the COVID-19 pandemic, and limited access to fundamental government services. WE Inspire provides training and mentoring on essential skills, including financial literacy, digital literacy,…

Track 1.5 Policy Dialogues (2021-2024)

The Partnership Policy Dialogues are a series of six multi-day conferences that will take place from 2021 – 2023 to explore solutions to key policy and sustainability challenges facing the Lower Mekong. The conferences will explore themes that include connectivity, energy and infrastructure, non-traditional security, transboundary water governance, and nature-based solutions. Tying the conference experiences together are cross-cutting values of inclusivity, resilience (including climate), and collaboration.