USAID Supports the United Nations’ Campaign for Resilient Cities

The United Nations' Making Cities Resilient Campaign involves over 1,550 cities in over 94 countries committed to incorporating “resilience” into city management practices.  In Bangkok on October 29-31, the USAID-funded Mekong Building Climate Resilience in Asian Cities (M-BRACE) program participated in the Campaign’s steering committee meeting, co-hosted by the UN Office of Disaster Risk Reduction…

Measuring Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Vietnam

From October 28 - November 1, the USAID-funded Lowering Emissions in Asia’s Forests (LEAF) program held a technical training on forest carbon stratification and estimating historical emissions in Da Lat, Vietnam. The hands-on training allowed 27 Vietnamese geospatial analysts and foresters to develop a preliminary reference level for Lam Dong Province to be approved by the…

New Elite Team Promotes Institutionalizing of Anti-Wildlife Trafficking Course

From October 24 - November 1, members of the new “King of Tigers” elite ranger team assisted with the instruction of a PROTECT Tactics course in Thailand’s Eastern Forest Complex, a regional hot spot for wildlife crime.The USAID-funded ARREST program (Asia’s Regional Response to Endangered Species Trafficking), coordinated the course with Thailand’s Department of National…

Concept Note Submittal Form Smart Infrastructure for the Mekong (SIM) Program

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NEWS: Cambodia to Host 5th Lower Mekong Initiative Regional Working Group Meeting

Cambodia will host the 5th meeting of regional working group of Lower Mekong Initiative to be held from 6-7 Nov in Siem Reap province, the media release said.The meeting will focus on agriculture, food safety, education, energy safety, and environment and water resource and health issues and other related issues.The meeting will be chaired by Mr.…

Integrating the ASEAN Healthcare Sector through Increased Medical Devices Harmonization

The harmonization of medical devices across the region is vital to having an integrated healthcare sector, which remains a priority as ASEAN moves towards an ASEAN Economic Community in 2015.  To boost the capacity of medical device regulators and medical device industry, more than 190 participants took part in two trainings on Medical Device Harmonization…

Smart Infrastructure for the Mekong Factsheet

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Strengthening Grassroots Capacity on Equity in Forest Management in the Lower Mekong

USAID's Grassroots Equity and Enhanced Networks in the Mekong (GREEN Mekong) launched its two-year capacity development series in Bangkok on October 14-18.  Over 21 grassroots civil society organizations (CSOs) from Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam participated in the course designed to strengthen their abilities as facilitators to explain the concept and principles of…

Integrating Gender Equality in Climate Change Planning in Vietnam

From October 21-25, the Lowering Emissions in Asia’s Forests (LEAF) program held a Gender Integrated Planning in Climate Change/REDD+ Training in Nghe An Province, Vietnam.  Held in partnership with Women Organizing for Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources Management (WOCAN) and the Vietnam Forestry Administration (VNFOREST), this was the second training in a regional series…

Climate Proofing Communities in Cambodia

The USAID-funded ADAPT Asia-Pacific project in partnership with the Ministry of Rural Development (MRD) of the Royal Cambodia Government held a workshop in Siem Reap, Cambodia to disseminate the results of the study on 11 pilot community ponds for climate proofing in Banteay Meanchey Province.  More than 30 government officials representing the national and provincial…

Lower Mekong Initiative Plan of Action

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Lao Officials Studied Best Practices from Thailand on Law Dissemination

On October 21-22, with the support of USAID/RDMA’s LUNA Laos project, Lao officials from the Ministry of Justice conducted a study mission in Bangkok at the offices of the Thai Royal Gazette Office, the Thai Ministry of Justice, and the Baker & McKenzie (U.S. Law Firm). They learnt best practices and shared lesson learnt with…