Mekong Neighbors Learn Counter Wildlife Trafficking Techniques Together
From November 27 to December 9, as part of the USAID-supported Asia's Regional Response to Endangered Species Trafficking Program, Freeland provided a two-part wildlife trafficking investigation training course for law enforcement officials from Laos and Thailand.The ASEAN-Wildlife Enforcement Network (ASEAN-WEN) Nature Crime Investigator course included a basic and an advanced course for forestry officials, environmental…
Mekong Government and Civil Society Support Strong Environmental Impact Assessments
In Bangkok, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID)-supported Mekong Partnership for the Environment (USAID MPE) project and the Asian Environmental Compliance and Enforcement Network organized an event that brought together more than 50 government and civil society representatives from Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam to exchange ideas on environmental impact assessment (EIA)…
Three Universities Introduce Climate Change Curriculum in Thailand
From December 2 to 3 at Kasetsart University in Bangkok, 47 professors from 16 Thai universities came together for the National Seminar on Integrating Climate Change into University Curricula. The seminar served as the national rollout of the USAID Lowering Emissions in Asia’s Forests (USAID LEAF) project’s regional climate change curriculum, which is part of…
USAID’s Smart Infrastructure for the Mekong Team Review Mekong Delta Study
A team of seven experts from the U.S. Department of Interior's International Technical Assistance Program visited Vietnam on November 21 to 25 as part of USAID’s Smart Infrastructure for the Mekong (USAID SIM) project. At the request of the Vietnam Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, the team is conducting an impartial scientific review of…
Regional Civil Society Consultations on Forest Equity Completed with Lao Provincial Workshops
USAID’s Grassroots Equity and Enhanced Networks in the Mekong (USAID GREEN Mekong) program completed its grassroots consultations on equity in forest-based climate change mitigation with a series of three focus group discussions held at the provincial level in Lao PDR and organized in collaboration with the Department of Forestry.Over 80 civil society and grassroots stakeholders…
Final Call for Registration: Mobiles for Development Asia Forum
Are you curious about how mobile technology is already being used in your sector? Wondering what products are out there that might be worth scaling up?Would you like talk to experts to understand whether and how to integrate mobile solutions into your work?Join the Mobiles for Development (M4D) Asia Forum, hosted by USAID and FHI…
Improving Payments for Environmental Services for Green Growth in the Lower Mekong
From November 24 to 25, key stakeholders from Lower Mekong countries participated in a regional workshop on payment for environmental services (PES) co-hosted by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), Center for International Forestry Research and Vietnamese Academy of Forest Sciences in Hanoi, Vietnam.Fifty-five participants from government, non-governmental organizations, the private sector and academia…
USAID Grant Trains Cambodian Civil Society Organizations on Forest Equity
The NGO Forum on Cambodia, a network of 89 civil society organizations in Cambodia, organized a three-day training of trainers (ToT) on “Improving Equity in Forestry Management and REDD+ Process” for community facilitators.Twenty-three of its members learned more about the principle and elements of social equity and inclusion in the forests and climate change context.…
USAID Highlights Emerging Trends in Participatory Forest Monitoring
In Lam Dong Province, Vietnam, forestry experts from across Asia participated in a Regional Knowledge Exchange Event on Participatory Forest Monitoring that examined emerging models of how communities and government can work together to monitor forest resources.The event, hosted by the Lam Dong Department of Agriculture and Rural Development and co-organized by the U.S. Agency…
Mekong Partnership for the Environment Supports EIA Dialogue at First-ever Major Conference on the Salween River Basin
On November 14 to 15, the USAID-funded Mekong Partnership for the Environment (USAID MPE) project helped support the “First International Conference on Salween-Thanlwin-Nu Studies” in Chiang Mai, Thailand.Hosted by Chiang Mai University, the event brought together over 200 experts to examine the basin’s future. USAID MPE held a roundtable discussion with representatives from the governments…
USAID Mekong ARCC, AMDI Engage Community Leadership in Adaptation Planning for Hotspot Province in Vietnam
From October 27 to 28, the USAID Mekong Adaptation and Resilience to Climate Change (USAID Mekong ARCC) project gathered key stakeholders in Hanoi, Vietnam, to discuss potential climate change adaptation options for Thuan Hoa commune where a USAID partner, the Asian Management and Development Institute (AMDI), will implement a climate adaptation pilot program over the…
Training Provides Leaders with Tools for Better Management of Protected Natural Resource Areas
From November 17 to 20 in Chiang Mai, Thailand, the USAID Low Emissions Asian Development (USAID LEAD) program provided training for 25 policymakers, national park managers, academics and other practitioners from Cambodia, India, Laos, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam on a methodology for guiding decisions related to management of protected natural resource areas.The workshop on “multi-criteria…