U.S. Environmental Expert Shana L. Udvardy Discusses Flood Disaster Management

The U.S. Embassy in Phnom Penh organized an environmental speaker series from Sunday, August 14 to Thursday, August 18, 2011, featuring environmental expert Shana L. Udvardy, Director of Flood Management Policy at American Rivers, a U.S. conservation non-profit organization focused on protecting rivers and preserving clean water to sustain people, wildlife, and nature.  During her…

Clinton Promotes Priority of Lower Mekong Initiative

Washington — Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton says the Lower Mekong Initiative is seeking greater ways to help the countries along the Mekong River improve their infrastructure, education, health and environment.The Initiative, launched by Clinton in 2009, includes Cambodia, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam. It is a subregional group begun to help build capacity. In…

Two Mighty Rivers, Intertwined to Protect Their Futures

Washington — In 2010, organizations that oversee two of the world’s most powerful rivers came together to chart a better course for water-resource management.When the Mississippi River Commission and the Mekong River Commission signed a partnership agreement in May 2010, they focused on sustainable development along their two river basins and on disaster preparation. Though the regional context may…

Cambodia Hosts First Lower Mekong Initiative Working Group Meeting

Representatives from Cambodia Laos, Thailand, the United States and Vietnam took part in the March 17-18 Lower Mekong Initiative Working group meeting which was hosted by Cambodia in Phnom Penh.  Delegations from the five nations worked together to further advance regional cooperation in education, environment, health and infrastructure, in order to formulate a draft LMI…

U.S. Embassy Supports First Clean Cookstove Workshop in Laos

Thirty-four experts, academics, and entrepreneurs from Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, and Thailand gathered to discuss how to create a cleaner, more efficient stove during the Stove Design & Testing Workshop in Vientiane, Laos on March 14-16. Participants shared methods to design, evaluate, and commercialize improved-stoves that use less fuel and produce less smoke.Exposure to smoke from traditional…

U.S. Repairing Ties with Lower Mekong Countries

A newly devised initiative is working towards deepening cooperation between the U.S. and Mekong basin countries in the areas of education, health and environment, a report has said.The report was distributed as part of a lecture this week on the Lower Mekong Initiative and its significance as part of the Obama administration's policy towards reengagement…

U.S. to Spend $187 Million on Lower Mekong Initiative

Washington — The United States will spend approximately $187 million on projects to help four nations of the Lower Mekong River basin lessen the impact of climate change on water resources, food security and the health and livelihoods of nearly 60 million people.During the annual Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) meeting July 22 in…

Lower Mekong Initiative Conference Targets Disease Threats Meeting Tackled International Health Regulations, Transnational Cooperation

Washington — High-level delegates from the United States and four countries that are part of the year-old Lower Mekong Initiative (LMI) came together in Hanoi, Vietnam, June 17–18, reaching agreement on a range of issues critical to the region’s response to infectious disease threats.The governments of the United States and Vietnam hosted the meeting. Delegation…

Media Note: United States Joins Ministries of Health and Agriculture of the Lower Mekong Region in Hanoi to Discuss Regional and Bilateral Cooperation on Combating Infectious Diseases

President Obama’s Malaria Coordinator, Rear Admiral (USN, retired) Timothy Ziemer, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Influenza Coordination Unit Director, Rear Admiral Stephen Redd, and Deputy Assistant Secretary of State of the Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs, Lawrence Gumbiner, are leading the U.S. delegation to the Lower Mekong Initiative Infectious Diseases…