Mekong-U.S. Partnership Pathfinder Health Program (2022-Present)
A non-traditional security focused flagship initiative, the Pathfinder Health Program helps Mekong sub-regional health authorities identify and respond to future emerging infectious diseases. After working with U.S. government experts to develop action plans, Pathfinder fellows will receive funds for pilot research programs to help communities prevent disease emergence and spread. The Pathfinder program complements long-standing…
Connecting the Mekong through Education and Training (COMET) (2014-2019)
The Connecting the Mekong through Education and Training program (COMET) helped narrow the development gap and increases regional integration by equipping youth throughout the MUSP region with market-driven skills by enabling them to succeed in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations Economic Community.
MUSP Quality Infrastructure Training Program – Energy Series
The MUSP Quality Infrastructure Training Series helps improve the capacity of MUSP governments to attract private investment for infrastructure solutions. MUSP facilitates the sharing of best practices information on project identification, preparation, and management, to help countries manage current and future energy infrastructure projects.
Foundations for Strategic Lower Mekong Hydropower and Water Resources Management
This program led by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) built technical capacity across the Mekong region for integrated river planning and management to help ensure that energy development projects consider social and environmental considerations while improving energy security.