Strengthening National Forest Monitoring Systems Across Asia

From October 15-17, the USAID-funded Lowering Emissions in Asia’s Forests (LEAF) program partnered with UN-REDD and SilvaCarbon to host the 4th UN-REDD Regional Lessons Learned Workshop on National Forest Monitoring Systems (NFMS) for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+).  NFMS enable countries to collect information required to provide measurable, reportable and verifiable estimates…

U.S. and Thailand Plan Cooperative Activities under Global Climate Program

On October 10, more than 30 officials from 10 Thailand government agencies met with counterparts from seven U.S. Government agencies and programs under the Enhancing Capacity for Low Emission Development Strategies (EC-LEDS) initiative.  EC-LEDS is a global U.S. Government program that supports the efforts of more than 20 partner countries to accelerate sustainable, climate-resilient economic…

Shared Vision Planning Helps Build Urban Resilience in Thailand

Shared vision planning is a decision-making process that uses scenario-planning tool and models to assess different options for building urban resilience to climate change.  From October 2-4, USAID’s Mekong-Building Climate Resilient Asian Cities (M-BRACE) program, in collaboration with ISET-International and the Thailand Environment Institute (TEI), hosted a shared vision planning workshop in Udon Thani, Thailand…

Promoting Quality of Medicines Program’s Technical Assistance Supports ASEAN Regional Harmonization Strategy

With the financial support from USAID/Philippines, USAID/Indonesia, and the Presidential Malaria Initiative through USAID/RDMA, the Promoting the Quality of Medicines (PQM) program conducted two successful training workshops in conjunction with the ASEAN Pharmaceutical Product Working Group  for the medicines regulatory agencies of ASEAN member states.In September more than 35 inspectors from ASEAN member states—Brunei, Myanmar, Cambodia,…

What Some Fish, Oil, and a Little Rice Can Do: Working with Pyi Gyi Khin

One of Control and Prevention of Tuberculosis (CAP-TB)’s most effective local implementing agencies, Pyi Gyi Khin (PGK), is a Burmese NGO that was founded by a mother and daughter team in 1997 with the goal to empower vulnerable women and children.  The organization advocates for marginalized populations, including children and orphans, female sex workers, people…

CAP-Malaria Highlight from Myanmar

Children in Rakhine State, Myanmar absorb BCC educational materials as they learn proper net usage during a Presidential Malaria Initiative (PMI) Long Lasting Insecticidal Net (LLIN) distribution campaign.  Photo: CAP-MalariaRelated Website: Control and Prevention of Malaria (CAP-Malaria)Source: Health Matters Newsletter RDMA/Office of Public Health 

Poachers Beware! Elite Wildlife Ranger Team Graduates

On October 16, Thailand’s new elite wildlife ranger team, the “King of Tigers,” graduated from the groundbreaking 8-week intensive tactical training course to combat crimes against nature.  The graduates are now tasked with enforcing Thailand’s laws pertaining to environmental crime including poaching, wildlife trafficking, illegal logging, and illegal fishing.The King of Tigers is Thailand’s first…

Radio Show in Cambodia’s Malaria Zone

The Control and Prevention of Malaria Project collaborates with Media One, a local media organization, to implement a package of radio call-in show activities.  A Village Fairs activity is organized at public places in malaria endemic areas.  This interactive activity provides an entertaining and educational opportunity for participants to listen and then respond to the…

CAP-Malaria Meeting in Western Myanmar

In the Rakhine Region, Toungup (Taung Goke) Township, Moe Shwe Gone Village, the Control and Prevention of Malaria (CAP-Malaria) team organized a meeting to introduce CAP-Malaria project to the target population, by providing health education and demonstrating the right way to use long lasting insecticide treated bed nets.Related Website: Control and Prevention of Malaria (CAP-Malaria)Source: Health Matters Newsletter RDMA/Office…

CAP-Malaria Cross Border Activity in Thailand

Cambodian migrant workers who cross the border to work in Thailand mostly live on farms, in close proximation with malaria vectors.   Malaria screening among migrant workers is an important activity for reducing the malaria parasite population.   The picture shows the activity of a border malaria post and malaria clinic, where staff perform the…

Advancing Vietnam’s National REDD+ Fund and Accounting Framework

With support from the USAID-funded Lowering Emissions in Asia’s Forests (LEAF) project, the Vietnam Administration of Forestry (VNFOREST) organized a technical meeting to discuss the REDD+ Fund proposal and the development of a national REDD+ accounting framework for Vietnam.  Fifty participants representing government departments, international donors, and provinces that are implementing REDD+ gathered in Hanoi…

Lao PDR Launches the Electronic Official Gazette

On October 11, 2013, the Ministry of Justice launched the webpage representing the Lao PDR Electronic Official Gazette ( at a high-level workshop in Vientiane, Laos.  The workshop was chaired by the Minister of Justice, with the Vice-Minister of Justice presenting the new procedures for operating the e-Gazette, and with around 50 participants including a…