Deputy Assistant Secretary Dr. Jung H. Pak Remarks at the Mekong-U.S. Partnership Track 1.5 Policy Dialogue Report Launch on Mekong Connectivity

Tuesday, June 14, 2022  Thank you to the Stimson Center for having me here today. Thank you as well for all the excellent work that Stimson does in Southeast Asia. The Mekong-U.S. Partnership Track 1.5 dialogues and the Mekong Dam Monitor are just two examples of the groundbreaking work of the Stimson team.    I’m…

What We Do at the Sustainable Infrastructure Partnership

To mark World Water Day last year, March 22, 2022, our team in Bangkok produced a video introducing the work of the Sustainable Infrastructure Partnership. To date, there have been more than 3,500 views of the video. Enjoy this look back at the reasons why we do what we do!

Mekong One Health Innovation Program (MOHIP) Research Grant Opportunity

The Mekong One Health Innovation Program, or "MOHIP", implemented by Michigan State University in collaboration with the One Health University Networks of Lao PDR, Viet Nam, and Thailand, has the overarching goal of creating a transnational network of One Health researchers and practitioners to facilitate the sharing of One Health research, educational, and evaluation tools…

Cooperating with the MRC on Groundwater

Countries of the Lower Mekong region are turning to groundwater resources to meet the growing needs for irrigation, industrial use and household drinking water. In the highlands, for example, groundwater resources are pumped to irrigate high-value coffee plants, while in the lowlands, groundwater provides supplementary irrigation for rice growing. Yet groundwater is “invisible” and is…


The Mekong-U.S. Partnership has had an active start to 2023. Over 200 international stakeholders attended the Mekong Research Symposium on March 13-16 in Chiang Rai, Thailand. Several Mekong-U.S. Partnership (MUSP) programs showcased their recent work including the Stimson Center who discussed the tangible policy recommendations that are developed through their MUSP Track 1.5 Policy Dialogue…


Release of Japan-U.S.-Mekong Power Partnership Action Plan MEDIA NOTE OFFICE OF THE SPOKESPERSON April 6, 2023 Today, at the Friends of the Mekong Senior Officials Meeting in Vientiane, Lao PDR, the United States and Japan, together with Cambodia, Lao PDR, Thailand, and Vietnam, released the Japan-U.S.-Mekong Power Partnership (JUMPP) Action Plan  , a comprehensive document that outlines…

JUMPP Action Plan & Fact Sheet

The Japan-U.S.-Mekong Power Partnership (JUMPP) facilitates clean energy deployment, regional power trade and electrical interconnectivity, and national and regional electricity market development in the Lower Mekong Region of Southeast Asia.


Over the last six months, we centered our MUSP activities around engagement efforts throughout the sub-region to ensure that Mekong countries and citizens can continue recovering from the current pandemic. To date, the United States has donated nearly 487 million vaccine doses to the Mekong sub-region to help protect people from COVID-19 and its variants.…

Mekong Research Symposium Shows Value of Local Partnerships

Civil society partners and local communities brought new dimensions to this year’s Mekong Research Symposium (MRS), which took place in Chiang Rai, Thailand, from 14 – 16 March. They spoke about the value of citizen engagement in deciding what data are useful and who needs the data, why local communities should be involved in collecting…

Strengthening Flood and Drought Forecasting

4,000 training hours, 111 trainees, and 19 government agencies in Lower Mekong countries. Those, in brief, were the numbers highlighted at the wrap-up event for a US-Republic of Korea (ROK) capacity-building project on 4 October 2022. The project, ‘Improved Hydrological and Hydraulic Decision Support for the Mekong Basin,’ took place over a 13-month period from…

U.S. PRESS STATEMENT ON THE FRIENDS OF THE MEKONG SENIOR OFFICIALS’ MEETING: “Enhancing Cooperation: Coordinating with Friends and Allies”

U.S. Press Statement on the Friends of the Mekong Senior Officials’ Meeting: “Enhancing Cooperation: Coordinating with Friends and Allies” MEDIA NOTE  OFFICE OF THE SPOKESPERSON  AUGUST 2, 2022 Begin Text.  The Senior Officials of the Friends of the Mekong met in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, on August 2, 2022.  The United States chaired the meeting and welcomed…

Mekong Multilateralism and the US-ASEAN Pre-Special Summit event

May 10, 2022: USASEAN Chargé d’Affaires Kate Rebholz opening remarks at the Mekong Multilateralism and the US-ASEAN Pre-Special Summit event organized by the Stimson Center Thank you all for having me here this morning. Thank you as well to the Stimson Center for hosting this event on Mekong-ASEAN cooperation and how the United States can…