Mekong Virtual Symposium: “An Uncertain Future: Working Towards a Thriving Tonle Sap”

Pact Thailand is organizing the second Mekong Virtual Symposium: An Uncertain Future: Working Towards a Thriving Tonle Sap as part of the Sustainable Infrastructure Partnership (SIP). This event is open to the public, and interested participants are encouraged to RSVP on

Cambodian Institute for Cooperation and Peace hosts Virtual Conference on Sustainable Development and the Future of the Mekong

The Cambodian Institute for Cooperation and Peace (CICP) organized a virtual conference on "Sustainable Development and the Future of the Mekong" on 26-27 October 2020. Organized in response to the shifting geopolitical dynamics that pose new challenges such as the growth of debt dependency, disproportionate control of upstream dams, and the erosion of existing river governance, the conference featured four panels examining the future of the Mekong River and the environmental and sustainable development challenges confronting the region.

Recap: Indo-Pacific Conference on Strengthening Transboundary Rivers Governance

Assistant Secretary for East Asian and Pacific Affairs David Stilwell provided opening remarks at the inaugural Indo-Pacific Conference on Strengthening Governance of Transboundary Rivers on October 15. U.S. Ambassador to Thailand Michael DeSombre offered closing remarks. The conference, organized in partnership with the East-West Center, convened policy-makers, academics, members of civil society, and other transboundary river stakeholders from across the Indo-Pacific region to share best practices related to the sustainable development and cooperative management of transboundary rivers.

Indo-Pacific Conference on Strengthening Transboundary Rivers Governance

The United States Department of State, in partnership with the East-West Center, will host a virtual Indo-Pacific Conference on Strengthening Transboundary Rivers Governance on October 15-16. The invitation-only conference brings together practitioners, experts, and national and civil society representatives to focus on Enhancing Transparency, Partnerships & Stakeholder Engagement. This event includes sessions on "Transparency and Partnerships in Transboundary River Governance," "Negotiating Transboundary River Governance," "Stakeholder Engagement in Transboundary River Governance," and "Next Steps for Strengthening Governance of Transboundary Rivers." Assistant Secretary David Stilwell and U.S. Ambassador to Thailand Michael DeSombre will give opening and closing remarks, respectively.

Mekong-U.S. Partnership Joint Statement

The United States and Mekong Partner countries released a Joint Statement on the launch of the Mekong-U.S. Partnership.

July 14 Webinar: Fostering Solutions and Collaboration for a Sustainable Mekong River Delta

Mark your calendars for July 14 from 10:00 PM - 11:30 PM EDT for the Fostering Solutions and Collaboration for a Sustainable Mekong River Delta webinar, where global and regional experts will discuss the threats to the Mekong River Delta including increasing saltwater intrusion and drought. The Mekong River is home to one of the most productive and biodiverse…

Connecting the Mekong through Education and Training (COMET) (2014-2019)

The Connecting the Mekong through Education and Training program (COMET) helped narrow the development gap and increases regional integration by equipping youth throughout the MUSP region with market-driven skills by enabling them to succeed in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations Economic Community.

MUSP Quality Infrastructure Training Program – Energy Series

The MUSP Quality Infrastructure Training Series helps improve the capacity of MUSP governments to attract private investment for infrastructure solutions. MUSP facilitates the sharing of best practices information on project identification, preparation, and management, to help countries manage current and future energy infrastructure projects.

Foundations for Strategic Lower Mekong Hydropower and Water Resources Management

This program led by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) built technical capacity across the Mekong region for integrated river planning and management to help ensure that energy development projects consider social and environmental considerations while improving energy security.

LMI Annual Scientific Symposium

Yangon, Myanmar, December 12-13, 2019. Over 100 researchers and scientists from the U.S. and the five countries of the Lower Mekong Initiative (LMI) – Myanmar, Cambodia, Lao PDR, Thailand, and Vietnam – gathered for the LMI Young Scientist Program annual symposium in Yangon December 12-13. Forty young scientists from the five Lower Mekong countries presented their…

Strengthening the U.S.-Mekong Partnership

The Mekong Matters to America The Mekong region – Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam – is strategically important to the United States. The region is a focus of the U.S. Indo-Pacific Strategy, and integral to our engagement with ASEAN. The United States aims to uphold sovereignty, transparency, good governance, ASEAN centrality, and a…

Joint Statement on the Japan-United States Mekong Power Partnership (JUMPP)

The United States and Japan value transparency, free and fair competition, and the unfettered flow of energy suppliesn the Indo-Pacific region which is vital to the stability and development of the region. The United States and Japan pledge to partner with Mekong countries to maintain and promote a moreustainable energy sector and quality energy infrastructure…